The Unicorn Living Podcast

Dethrone Meredith (She’s No Superhuman) + Lean Into Who You Are

Episode Summary

A recent focus group call revealed that many members of the Collective are trying to be Meredith. But, only one person can be Meredith: Meredith! And, without getting too Dr. Suess on you: you’re the only one that can be you!

Episode Notes

You might not know yourself as well as you think you do. Here are five tips to lean into what makes you, you:

  1. Look at your clothes 👕
  2. Look at the décor in your home 🖼️
  3. Write down your top five stories 📑
  4. Listen to your voice 🗣️
  5. Name your top five personality traits 👋


“When we are ourselves, we straight up glow.” ✨


Resources and links:

🔸 Ch'eghwetsen Point System: The Gentle Habit Building Method That Doesn’t End in Self-Criticism


Curious about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this free training on how to build recession-proof opportunities and become a grant writer. 


Or, email us at


Go forth and build a life you love. 


🧡  The Team at Learn Grant Writing



00:00 Intro

00:44 Unpacking Focus Group Learnings

06:18 Meredith’s Imperfections 

10:30 Importance Of Learning Who You Are

12:35 Five Tips To Strengthen Your Understanding Yourself

17:50 Benefits Of Finding Your Authenticity 

18:30 Recap